December 2022

This year has been a roller coaster for us as a family. My oldest daughter has moved out of the house and then we were called to Czechia to be missionaries. Since surrendering to the call, I have been taking classes to get my masters degree from West Coast Baptist Bible College. We have started traveling; we attended the national meeting for the BCMN in Kansas City, KS; met up with veteran missionaries Jon and Emilie Rettig while they were home for a medical procedure in OKC; and went to California for a communication workshop designed for missionaries to teach them how to effectively present and communicate in churches to both gain support and fulfill the desires of the hosting pastor.

On top of that, I (Nathan) had surgery on my ankle that had me non-weight bearing for 6 weeks, and two weeks after getting out of my boot 3 months after surgery Lisa went under the knife to fix a torn rotator cuff. This is on top of other medical issues with my son, Steele. We are trying to find out why Steele has constant pain in his intestines. After running every test that can be run, we have gone through two separate elimination diets to try and find out what is giving him problems.

However, amidst all of this we are planning on going full speed ahead to get to the Czech Republic as fast as possible. God has called us to go, and we do not believe that it is in His plan for us to wait.

Prayer Requests

Survey Trip Mar 1-15. 

· Luggage to show up.

· Make connecting flights.

· God to make it clear where he wants us to serve


· Lisa healing from rotator cuff surgery

· Children adjusting to road life

· Find answers to Steele’s digestive issues


· Safe deputation travel

· Obtain support

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July 2023