July 2023

Home Ministry

While we are still at home and scheduling churches to go out full time beginning in September we are working in our home church. One avenue of ministry that we are employing is to develop a Game Night group. This was something that we have done with friends of ours and have decided to use it both to try and fellowship with and build relations with others in the church that we do not normally spend time with as well as inviting people from outside of the church to see them become a part of the family of God. We have my daughter's horse instructor's family (we brought the kids to our VBS and they loved it!) and a new family that has not yet joined the church coming over in the next couple of weeks. Please pray that this will be an effective ministry.

In addition, I ask for prayers for the prison ministry that Lisa is in. In order to go into the prison there needs to be two ladies and there are only currently two of them that take part. This has caused problems since if one of them cannot make it on a Thursday night then the ministry does not happen. Also, when we leave for deputation the ministry will not be able to continue. This year, five have accepted Christ as part of this ministry. Please pray for there to be two new women that will be convicted to take part of this ministry.

We have also been ministering to a recently divorced woman. Her husband cheated on her and decided to leave rather than work on the marriage. We have helped her to move and set up her new apartment. She has a lot of "Christian" decorations, but no testimony of a life lived for Christ. She has been uninterested in talking about spiritual things so far, but we continue to try. Please pray for her.

Finally, there is a man Nathan has worked with that he has been witnessing to. He did say that if we schedule a church in Midland that he will come with us, but said that it isn't really his thing. We helped this man move into his home and hope that we can help his family be ready to move into a home in heaven when it is time.


We have 50 churches that are scheduled currently. Praise the Lord that we have already had one pick us up for support! We are trying to fill in services where we have holes and booking for the summer of 2024 right now. Additionally we are shopping for a truck for deputation to pull the 5th wheel. Our home church has given us the 5th wheel and so we need to trade our Highlander in for a truck. Pray that we will find the right vehicle and then we need to finalize vehicle and trailer insurance. Nathan is working with his current company to see if he can continue to be part time phone support to be able to stay on the company health insurance which would give us a much better price on a group plan. Please pray for God's will to be accomplished in the insurance. 

Prayer Requests

* Effectiveness of game night to reach people and grow relationships in the church.

* Two new women to take part in the prison ministry.

* Divorced woman to be open to the Gospel.

* Man Nathan has been witnessing to from work.

* Fill deputation schedule.

*God's will on insurance with Nathan's company


August 2023


December 2022