August 2023

Home Preparation

We are getting ready to head out in September full time. We will be starting at local churches and traveling back home after services for much of September, but from the end of September until next September we have no time where we will be back home. Therefore, we have decided to sell our house and we are trying to get everything ready to sell in an estate sale and to sell the house. This means finishing up projects that we started when we moved in and left half done because we did not want to pay to finish them.

Also, our church has given us a 5th wheel to use and we are working to make it work for our family. We have taken everything out of it and done a deep clean (found some maggots living under the sink) and cleaned the window coverings that had what looked like nicotine stains all over them. Then we are staining and painting the interior to feel more like our home since it will be for how ever long God keeps us on deputation. Once that is done we will add two beds to the camper since it only came with one bed.

While all of this is happening, I ended up having to take a trip to North Dakota and then down to south Texas for work and was gone for a little over a week. Things are moving more slowly now, but we were hitting a lot of road blocks in trying to accomplish anything, but with the help of some friends from church we have been able to get a couple of house projects done and were given a generator large enough to run the air conditioning units in the 5th wheel. I am sure that Satan would like to hinder and discourage us, but we are trusting God to provide us with what we need to get this all done.


We have 74 churches that are scheduled currently. We are currently looking to fill in some dates for December and January of 2023 the summer of 2024. We recently were scheduled to be in a missions conference in Ohio in October which works out great because we have a missions conference in Indiana the week before, but we were planning on being in Springfield, MO for the Sunday in between. While we can do that, it will involve 18 hours of driving and so we are praying that we can book in a couple of churches in Indiana or Ohio for October 8th to save of the miles and fuel.

Prayer Requests

* Fill in deputation schedule

* Our children are not looking forward to deputation, pleas pray that they will be at peace with it

* Finishing home projects


October 2023


July 2023