December 2023


This last month was an interesting one for our family. First, Makayla had been involved in some horse competitions before we left for deputation and they announced that the rewards banquet would be in November and Makayla really wanted to be back for it. After not being able to find flights back at a reasonable price, Lisa felt the Holy Spirit leading her to check back on the next Tuesday and when she did was able to get flights for $41 instead of the $173 that she had seen before. Makayla took second place!


When Steele and I joined the girls back in Big Spring before Thanksgiving I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled to check out a lump that I had noticed. After getting checked out and had some ultrasounds done, it was determined that I should have surgery ASAP. So, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving I had the mass removed and had a hernia that I did not know I had repaired. While the pause to deputation for a couple of weeks was not welcome, we are thankful for a few things. First, that we were able to get things taken care of right away (usually there would be a couple of months before even being able to be seen by a specialist). Second, the hernia that I did not even know that I had came in handy because they were able to remove the mass through the hernia without needing an extra incision and a drain put in. Finally, while the mass was malignant, the margins were clean which means that it should not require any radiation or chemo.


To fill out our eventful month, my job ended in November. I had planned to keep the job through the end of the year, but my company had found someone to come in and replace me and so I am now off of my salary. I am sure that God will continue to take care of us. I am very thankful that He allowed me to keep my job as we started deputation to fill a gap. We are now more concerned about the house selling, but we trust God to give us wisdom on what to do or to sell the house for us.


Even with all of the events of the month, I was able to ambush Makayla with the boba bubbles that I shot at her through the straw. Unfortunately, Lisa armed her and so we had a battle!



Even with the surgery, we were able to be in 8 churches in Kentucky and Texas in November. I am thankful for the understanding that the pastors in Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona had as I have had to cancel 6 meetings. Also, we have had two new churches vote to take us on!

Prayer Requests

* House to sell

* Pick up support

* Safety and reliability as we travel

* Souls saved of people that we meet

* People to surrender to missions

* Funds to get to Brno in May


January 2024


November 2023