November 2023

Family Time

As we travel the country, we try to get out and experience what the different areas have to offer and to have a good time as a family. Some of the highlights were that General (Steele’s dog) was given a deer leg that a boy in Indiana shot, Makayla learned that not everything that looks like an ocean is (Lake Michigan), and keep away with a sister’s shoe at Culvers (she should really keep them on!). We also were blessed to experience fall (something that doesn’t exist in West Texas) and even have a fire that kept us warm. We also were able to celebrate Makayla’s 14th birthday in style thanks to Lee’s Summit Baptist Church


In October, we were in 8 churches spanning Indianna, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri, Texas, and Kentucky. We made new friends in church members, missionaries, and pastors that we met along the way. However, as we came into Ozark Baptist Church in Ozark Missouri, I was not expecting to run into Rob Weng who we went to church with more than a decade ago in Colorado. It was good to reconnect with an old friend! When taking some time to reconnect with the Wrights who are on deputation to Cambodia, we had the opportunity to talk with Michelle and Kevin who are homeless on the streets of South Bend. We prayed with both of them, but neither showed an interest in salvation. Please pray that the seed sown would take root in their hearts. We understand that not every encounter will lead to someone accepting Christ, but instead we may either be planting or watering. In Northwest Baptist Church though, God allowed us to partake in the increase. In the morning service after the invitation was over a woman came up and interrupted Pastor McGowan and told him that she needed to be saved! That morning Carla (who goes by Jody for some reason?) accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior and we are so grateful that we were able to have a part!


Prayer Requests

* House to sell

* Pick up support

* Safety and reliability as we travel

* Souls saved of people that we meet

* People to surrender to missions

* Funds to get to Brno in May



December 2023


October 2023