March 2024


February saw us back on the road again. After almost two months in Colorado and Wyoming and being able to stay with family, we struck back out on the road. Immediately we ran into vehicle issues. The cruise control was not working on the truck and there was a message that was too fast to read when turning on the right turn signal. We got into Big Spring where we were staying for a couple of nights before delving deeper into Texas for a missions conference and then the truck got worse. When put into drive, the windshield wipers would turn on, the right blinker would not work, but when turning on the left blinker the windshield wipers would temporarily turn off. Sometimes the left turn signal would turn on when putting the blinker back into the normal position. Needless to say, this would not work for us. A man in our church came by to look at it and determined that the board in the steering column was bad but the replacement part would not come in until Tuesday and we had to make it to a conference the next day. This is where we praise God! Whenever we have had problems, He has shown us that He supplies. We were at our home church and were able to borrow a van for the week, and had a working truck after the conference was over. This may seem like a small thing, but the truck could have broken down in any number of places, but it happened in the place that we are able to be helped the most. That is God’s hand and we thank Him for the blessing.

In addition, we have had five new churches pick us up for support this month and have quickly gone over 20% supported. We look forward to seeing how God will continue to supply for our needs! This season of missions conferences is tiring as a missionary and family, but it is also great to get to know people in churches better than a single day/service at a church can give.


I had the great opportunity to go to the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, KY with Bible Baptist Church in Marysville, OH. It was amazing! We had a booth and walking sticks made out of dowel rods and a lanyard with gold, black, red, white, and green beads tied on. Before someone could get a “free” walking stick, they had to listen to a presentation of the Gospel. People were lined up to have us tell them the Gospel! I was personally able to witness to people in groups 2-5 at a time (I didn’t even try to keep track of how many total) and saw nine accept Jesus as their savior! It was just like door knocking, expect they came to me and were not angry that they had to come to the door! The heart breaking thing is those that you see understand the Gospel, but choose not to accept it. One man in particular had the conviction written on his face, but was not willing to ask Jesus to save him. His name is Trey. We also had the opportunity to show a friend of ours son the Gospel. He is always excited to come to church with us when we are in town and has been asking questions. He did not accept Christ at this time either, but would you pray for both Wesley and Trey that God would continue to pursue them and send more people into their lives to witness to them?

Prayer Requests

* House to sell (we had an offer in Feb, but his work decided not to move him)

* More supporting churches

* Safety/reliability on the road

* Souls saved (Trey and Wesley)

* People to surrender to missions


April 2024


February 2024