May 2024


In April we were able to be in 14 churches in 6 states. God blessed with getting support from 5 new churches in the month and we are currently at 30% of our support raised. As we traveled north (began in Arkansas) we were greeted with snow in Illinois and were greeted with a lot of spring weather. As we traveled from Ohio to Nebraska we decided to travel overnight to avoid going through Chicago in the daytime and got into Lincoln early afternoon on Friday. All of the rain started just after we got set-up and there were over 40 tornados in the county that we would have been driving through had we come in later. We are thankful for God leading us to leave early so that we would not have to deal with going through those storms while pulling the 5th wheel.


This was the last month that we had with Steele. He has now gone back to Colorado for his treatments. We are happy that he will be able to get the treatment that he needs and will hopefully be able to get rid of the constant pain that he lives in. It is best for him, but selfishly we don’t want to lose him early. Please pray that these treatments will work.


We have had the medical expenses for Steele come up which are supposed to be around $5000. As well, we had another offer on the house fall through. This time it went to an inspection and we lost it because of problems found with the foundation. In order to repair the foundation will probably cost between $10 and $15 thousand. Please pray with us about the ability to cover these costs.

Prayer Requests

* House to sell

* Steele’s medical treatment

* Supporting churches

* Safety/reliability on the road

* Souls saved

* Wisdom on how to pay medical and house bills


May 2024 (the month, not post date)


April 2024