May 2024 (the month, not post date)


In May, I went to a Global Harvesters Missions Conference at Grace Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, CO. The conference was very good and I wish that we could have stayed for the entire conference. Instead, we needed to be in Memphis, TN and so had to leave after the morning session on Tuesday. If you have not been to a Global Harvesters Missions Conference, I highly recommend going to one. In May, We were in 11 churches and went to Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky. While May-August are known as slower months for missions, I thank God that He has filled our schedule for the entire summer.


I was able to go to the Global Harvesters Missions Conference because we were in Colorado to pick up Lisa and drop off Steele’s dog, General, after moving Steele in with his grandparents so that he can get the treatments that he needs. We will get to see him again in July when we will be going to the Ark and Creation Museum, but the trailer and truck feel empty without both Steele and General. It turns out that there is a lot more room when two 100+ pound creatures are no longer in the 5th wheel and truck. While there are advantages to having fewer people on deputation, we would prefer to have our son. We are happy though that he is getting the medical attention that he needs.


We are still struggling with the house and getting inspections and quotes for work that will be needed to be done. Currently we are waiting on a bid on concreting the side of the house next to the retention wall to prevent further damage. Selling the house is a large need for us and so we need your prayers.

Prayer Requests

* House to sell

* Steele’s medical treatment

* Supporting churches

* Safety/reliability on the road

* Souls saved

* Wisdom on how to pay medical and house bills


June 2024


May 2024