June 2024


We were able to join Calvary Baptist Church in Connersville, Indiana. We had been planning on joining them for the VBS, but those who were running the VBS ended up taking a position at another church. In God’s providence, He already had us there for the VBS and we were able to do the VBS. Then when we saw the material, it was a VBS that we had done before. I was able to do the Bible lessons and Lisa helped with the snack time. We really enjoyed being able to partake in a ministry other than traveling between churches for a while.


In June we were pretty scattered. Steele is, of course, in Colorado. Makayla got to go back to Texas to be with friends and work with horses again before going to camp with our home church. Lisa and I got time to ourselves for a bit. We rested and waited out the heat wave then enjoyed some time hiking. Despite being busy during this time it was a much-needed time of rest.

We were also able to get some work done on the house and get some concrete work done to prevent the foundation from getting damaged further.


We were in twelve churches in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. We have had the check engine light come on our truck. While this is not unexpected with the miles that we have put on, it is difficult to get a diesel mechanic who can look at it on the road. I have made an appointment for Tuesday, but we leave on Saturday. Hopefully, this will give us enough time, but there is no guarantee.

Prayer Requests

* House to sell

* Steele’s medical treatment

* Supporting churches

* Safety/reliability on the road

* Souls saved

* Getting service done on the truck.


July 2024


May 2024 (the month, not post date)